Sunday, January 2, 2011

L'apprenti Deli UPM NEW MENU


I wish every body a great start for a new year ahead and prosperous with a good health. At the meantime my self and the team still in the progress of developing the new menu and product for the L'apprenti Deli at University Putra Malaysia.

All my sous chef and pastry chef working hard for the last few days, before we celebrate a new year 2011. The team spirit and commitment are very high.

To change and make changes of the menu need allots of planning and trial. We develop as a team and moving forward to standardize all costing and recipe development. Product specification and supplier meeting.

The recipe base on the last 2 years since we are open the L'apprenti restaurant. The favourites item such as Roast Chicken, Lasagna, Nasi Lemak and our best cheese cake.

 Muffin and some other pastry product on display
Scone and Vanilla Muffin

Curry puff and Tuna Puff

Suji cake and apple pie

Assorted Danish

Assorted filling bun

Adiba cashier and waiters

Assorted individual cake on display

Chocolate marble cake

Cheese cake

Selection home made sandwiches with smoked salmon, tuna and smoked chicken with mayonnaise.

Din Baker's smoke salmon sandwiches

Lapprenti deli UPM assorrted cake and pastries

Selection the whole cake such as Cheese Cake, Tiramisu, Black foresT, Pandan Kaya, and Cheese Almond

Chocolate cheese cake

Marble Cheese Cake

Home bake Cheese Cake

Cheese cake individual slice

Strawberry Tart

Chocolate Chips Cake


Coffee cheese Cake

Tiramisu in the Glass


Chocolate almond eclair

Round Eclair

Chocolate Tart

Chocolate Mud Cake

Marble Whole Cheese Cake

Peach Danish

Baked Cheese Cake

Blueberry Cake

UPM L'apprenti Deli open Monday to Fridays
              8.00 am to 5.00 pm

L'apparent Deli side view

Nice Deli and Clean

Front view

Staff on training for the cashier

Chef in charge for Deli and Pastries

Assorted Pastries

Cake display

Side view at Food Complex

Cosy ambiance

Welcome to the L'apprenti deli

Decoration and display

Chef on duty

Thumbs up for a good recipe and taste

Chief cashier

Chef Azahar from UPM.

1 comment:

♥♥♥♥ dilaBanGi ♥♥♥♥ said...

saya dah makan kat sini last week. best...
tempat menarek. Terima kasih.....