Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chef Managing Stress

To all the Executive Chef, Banquet Chef, Sous Chef, Chef De Cuisine, Gardemanger Chef, Main Kitchen Chef and all the Supervisor in Kitchen Department.

Beside the daily cooking production, mise en place, last minute confirmation function, also food consistency in various oulet that you are incharge there is something that i would like to share with all of the Chef.


What is Stress
Stress refers to a broad class of problems differentiated from other problem areas because it deals with any demands which tax the system, whatever it is, a physiological system, a sosial system, or a psychological system and the response of that system.

( Lazarus, 1971 )

Symptoms of Work Stress
Psychological Symptoms of Work Stress
1.  Anxiety, tension, work long hours, confusion, and irritability with sexual unbalance.
2.  Feelings of frustration, anger, and resentment not everyone understand you, others   Department Head.
3.  Emotional hypersensitivity and hyper-reactivity with the Waiters and Waiter pick up food late.
4.  Suppression of feelings, girlfriends that you like ignore you.
5.  Reduced effectiveness in communication that they dont understand your " ........" words.
6.  Withdrawal and depression with the type buffet set - up and the quality of poor food in your outlets.
7.  Feelings of isolation and alienation, should be happy hours and the drinks not ready yet!
8.  Boredom and job dissatifaction, no medal and awards in culinary competition always BRONZE...
9.  Mental fatigue and lower intellectual functioning, lazy to read and write the report, food cost high, food complain and staff diciplinary action form...and worst that you off day and holiday being cancel for the last minute function. Nobody understand about HACCP requirement in food business...
10.  Loss concentration focus with did not have "..." for a week.....
11.  Loss of spontaneity and creativity about your menu design, promotion, sales and marketing activity.
12.  Lowered self-esteem and no girlfriends.

Physical Symptoms of Work Stress

1. Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
2. Increased sex-creations of adreanaline and non adrenaline.
3. Gastrointestinal disorders such as ulcers.
4. Bodily injuries.
5. Physical fatigue.
6. Death.
7. Cardiovascular disease.
8. Respiratory problems.
9. Increased sweating.
10.Skin disorders.
13.Muscular tension.
14.Sleep disturbance.

Beahavioural Symptoms of Work Stress
1.Procrastination and avoidance of work.
2.Lowered performance and productivity.
3.Increased alcoho; and drug use and abuse.
4.Outright sabotage of the job.
5.Increased visits to the dispensary.
6.Overeating as an escape, leading to obesity.
7.Under-eating as a withdrawal, probably combined with signs of depression.
8.Loss os appetite and sudden weight loss.
9.Increased risk-taking-behaviour, including reckless driving and gambling.
10.Aggression, vandalism, and stealing.
11.Deteriorating relationships with family and friends.
12.Suicide or attempted suicide.

Effective Ways To Manage Stress

1.Health examinations.

2. Nutrition :
                     a. Eat plenty of unrefined foods, cook fresh and not after a few days. Chef  can create the
                         best food, but seldom eat the best ingredients food.
                     b. Keep processed foods to a minimum, eat fresh fruits and fruit juices.
                     c. Be careful about fats and oil.
                     d. Vitamins and minerals.
                     e.  Drink plenty of water,....mean water.

3. Exercise
                    a. Exercise for stamina - long distance jogging , better swimming.
                    b. Exercise for strength. Push up at least 10 time to 20 times a day.
                    c. Exercise for suppleness when you have time after work or before start cooking, carry up
                        down rice bag about 10 kg each.

4. Effective relaxation, you all chef know what i mean..Spa therapy. good accompany like travels.

5. Short naps. Always do this after a long night last nite.

6. Enjoy Music

7. Take a break. ( find the way for a short, quick let go.....)

8. Express anger.

9. Talk it out, when you dont like about the food and canteen menu for the staff.

10. Holidays, vacations and hobbies when there is a food competitions and exhibitions.

11. Meditation i mean when whatever you have a nice teacher for this class, special arrangement before
      you going for this subject.

12. Initiate action, do not wait for direction.

 I mean the Chef, work longer hours and all the time in the Kitchen.
The best way to deal with stress it is up to individually Chef how to avoid it.
Every Chef have the right way and how to manage the stress. The secret of the Top Chef is to perform according the quest demands, perfectionist in the food preparartion is critical.
Fo the Chef in Cruise line, the Stress can be divided for how high and enjoyable the Chef take the job resposibilities. All the best to all my profession Chef.

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